Thursday, March 27, 2008

Library Run!!

I went to the library the other day to pick up a few books that I pulled from my Shelfari 'Plan to Read' shelf. I picked a few, requested a hold on them then went and got them the next day. This is a good way for me to pick up books otherwise I can lose hours in the library!! Yes, you read right HOURS! Of course that depends on if I have kids with me or not, obviously I can't spend as much time there with them as I could alone.

So in the queue to be read in the next 28 days are the following:

Trilby by Diana Palmer
The Jury by Fern Michaels
Hello, it's me by Wendy Markham
More Than Words Vol. 2 by Debbie Macomber, Sharon Sala, Jasmine Cresswell, Beverly Barton, and Julie Elizabeth Leto
Don't Look Down by Jennifer Crusie
Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah
Distant Shores also by Kristin Hannah
and last by not least.
Blue Moon by Luanne Rice

I've actually already finished Trilby. It was really good, it even had some history thrown in there. There were times when it would speed up like she knew she was running out of pages and she needed to get the story told quickly, jumping months or years ahead. Yeah, sometimes the end does skip a few years to tell what has happened to them since then etc. but she did it a few times in this book that really caught my attention. But still, it was a good book!

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