Friday, February 6, 2009

On with the Challenge!!

I made another trip to the library today to get more books for the 100 Challenge (read below).
This is what I came home with:

Endless Chain by Emilie Richards
Prospect Street by Emilie Richards
Not a Girl Detective by Susan Kandel
Finding the Dream by Nora Roberts
Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
The Summerhouse by Jude Deveraux (this one is also for a online book discussion group)
By My Side by Nora Roberts
The Enchanted Land by Jude Deveraux
Stone Heart by Luanne Rice

I also read Tomorrow's Promise by Sandra Brown that wasn't listed in my last post, my mom gave it to me from her stash of library books ;)

I tend to go back to the same authors time & again. While there is nothing wrong with that, some new ones wouldn't hrut. Adriana Trigiani was recommended to me. Care to recommend some of your favorite books or authors?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi Jenn!

Have you read Wally Lamb? His books are long....but they are so good. Some of the best I've read.

I get a weekly email from You should sign up for it! It's so good and reviews tons of books so I get a lot of ideas from that.